
Showing posts from March, 2022

What You Don’t Know About The Medicity: Facilities, Benefits

We have guided you more about Medicity in our previous blogs but what are some special features that the   medicity online training institute   offers, many of you don’t know about it. Well, In this blog we are going to cover about special benefits that are unknown among most of you. So, we are going to cover it all in 2 parts - Before joining a program, After joining a program in any course. This will make it easier to understand for you. So, doctors, let’s begin the blog– The Medicity Research Institute is an online platform that facilitates hands-on training, fellowships, online subscription based learning to healthcare personalities. The Training institute offers various features and facilities that no other platform is providing. Like the global curriculum with amazing mentors (expert doctors), rescheduling your time, multiple hospital visits, and double certification, etc. Facilities Before Joining the Program Once you get inspired to take hands-on tr...

What to Expect from Top Hysteroscopy Training Courses in India

The demand of   Hysteroscopy training courses in India   is surging due the global need of hysteroscopy specialists that is growing rapidly with a growth rate of around 6.7% CAGR according to a prestigious  Business Wire  report. Numerous training programs and fellowships are being offered to novice surgeons as a short term program, but what are the key points that you should consider while taking Hysteroscopy training. We’ll also discuss why hysteroscopy is different from other infertility related surgeries like laparoscopy. What is Hysteroscopy? During an unhealthy reproductive health condition in women, doctors mostly suggest hysteroscopy surgery as a treatment. Hysteroscopy is a medical procedure used to inspect and examine the inside of the uterus (womb) and this surgery process is used in conditions of abnormal internal bleeding, and other disorders into women's reproductive body parts. Similar procedures exist for Men also known as Endoscopy. Inshort, bot...

Best Online Ultrasound Training Course in Gynecology - The Medicity

  Online Ultrasound Programs   are quite popular nowadays and offered by several institutes either by online or in-class lectures and training. After the covid_19, the digitalization in Our country has been on peak and people including medical professionals are preferring online work rather than classroom training programs. This leads to a huge demand for a Best Online Ultrasound Training Course in the industry which is offered by only limited institutes with effective learning. If you're looking for an OB/GYN ultrasound course, or Fetal Medicine & Obstetric Ultrasound Training program, which fulfill the knowledge gap in the institute and industry and can be accessed from anywhere any time via single click, stay tuned till the end of this blog post.   Online Ultrasound Training via Simulation The best way to acquire knowledge and learning is not in class lectures but when you see the concept behind that with demonstration. Yes!  The medicity   does the ...

The Medicity Online Subscription For Healthcare Professionals

  Back in time,  The Medicity  was serving hands-on medical training sessions for clinical person and novice surgeons but over the time we have trained over 3500+ professionals in more than 20+ training centers across India, but over the time Medicity Institute have figure-out many of the doctors and surgeons wants a ed-tech dedicated to the medical individuals and the solution we have come up with is our Subscription based learning model for various specialization including Ultrasonography and Laparoscopic surgery. What is Subscription Based Learning at Medicity? Our subscription based learning model works the same as other Ed-Tech organizations are offering. Basically you pay a little amount at once and you get one year video and study material access with more different feature, and the best part of this learning is that you don’t need to limit yourself in terms of learning, you can easily watch all the videos from anywhere to everywhere, you just need you Sm...

Clinical Course for ART in Andrology & Embryology - The Medicity

  Clinical Course for ART  is a necessity for every medical student and professional who belongs to a background of any infertility as well as fertility specialization including andrology and embryology. As the fertility rate of the average Indian is  decreasing  over the years, last year it was 2.179 which is less than in 2000 when it was 3.346. The demand for infertility treatment professionals is increasing, which leads to a strong need for short term training programs and courses. In this blog, you'll learn about various clinical ART courses related to human fertility including speciality like   andrology, and embryology as well as surgeries like Minimal invasive surgery, and hysteroscopy surgery. Clinical Andrology course: This type of certificate course in andrology offers you the learning ability to deal with disorders related to male reproductive system. These courses involve the explanations related to fundamental concepts of Adrenal Disorders...

Best Hands-on Laparoscopy Training & Course

  Laparoscopy training programs are being popular after every medical department started using this approach to treat and diagnose several disorders related to internal human body parts without any blood loss because it uses small incisions and patients can get recovered within a short period of time compared to open surgery techniques. We also offer various Hands-on Laparoscopy Training programs and courses. In this blog post we’ll let you know about the Hands-on  Laparoscopic Surgery Training  programs offered via The Medicity Institute. Hands-on Laparoscopic Surgery Training Programs: The Medicity is offering multiple  Hands-on Laparoscopy Training  programs for both the beginners and advanced medical professionals, including a two days workshop laparoscopic surgery. All such programs follow all the latest curriculum based on industry demands depending on the level of course. So, here are popular Laparoscopy training pr...

Best Ultrasound Training Courses in India 2022 - The Medicity

The technology is changing and new procedures and techniques are being introduced in ultrasonography like usg (ultrasonography) scan with medical robots etc, that need you as a medical professional to stay updated with latest changes and learn ultrasound at a fast pace, and   ultrasound training  courses are the best way to acquire acknowledgement in a short duration of time. Such courses are offered via online as well as hands-on usg training programs from numerous institutes and training centers. Ultrasound training courses in India  can be specialized for dedicated medical departments including Obstetrics, Gynecology, General Imaging, Cardiology, Urology and more. This shows the demand and use of sonography in the medicative industry. So, if you belong to any of these backgrounds or an independent aspirant who wants to pursue a career as ultrasound technician, definitely this article is for you. So, stay connected till the end- Gynecological Ultrasound Hands-On Trainin...