Top Hands-On IUI Course, Embryology & Laparoscopic Surgery Training in India - The Medicity

Top Hands-On IUI Course includes Understanding the reproductive cycle, Pregnancy Diagnosys, Common reproductive disorders, different common equipment used in Lab and more but later in Blog.

IUI is a pick over other treatments for esoteric infertility and is extensively performed in different countries. Basically IUI is a process to treat unexplained infertility. Many medical professionals have misperceptions that IUI with IVF is the same but both are different. While IVF (In-Vitro Fertilization) involves the processes like egg stimulation, extraction, fertilization and transfer, on the other side, IUI (Intrauterine insemination) includes the procedures to inject sperm into a uterus to decrease the sperm travel time in the egg.

Top Hands-On IUI Course:

IUI (Intrauterine insemination) is a process in which the sperms are ‘washed’ and directly placed in the uterus through a process in order to turn down the travel duration of sperms in the egg. A top hands-on IUI course is best for a surgeon belonging to a gynecology background. To tell you, always select only those IUI courses which have no less than 1:2 ratio of theory and training respectively.

Curriculum of a Top Hands-On IUI Course:

These top hands-on IUI course have a dedicated curriculum but since these are available in different institutions for different time duration, so there is a strong chance to become a differences in these programs but here are some common topics to be covered in any Top hands-on IUI course program mentioned below:

  1. Understanding of right patient selection and preliminary work for IUI.
  2. Female reproductive organs & their functions.
  3. Normal reproductive cycle and understanding of equipment used in IUI.
  4. Diagnosys of different pregnancy disorders and their causes.
  5. Understanding of setting up an IUI laboratory & Liquid nitrogen handling.
  6. Techniques for Semen Analysis & semen processing.
  7. Methods to calculate conception rates and the factors that can affect it.
  8. Ejaculatory dysfunction such as retrograde ejaculation.


The basic eligibility to join the top hands-on IUI course for a doctor is to have a medical degree like MBBS, MS, OBG, MD, DGO from a recognised board. Medicity also offers different certification courses in IUI like Certificate course in Semiology & IUI by DR. Rita Bakshi.

Top Hands-On Embryology Training:

The Medicity offers a few selected Top hands-on Embryology Training medical professionals who are seeking to build their competency in Embryology like Certificate Course in Embryology delivered by Dr. Rita Bakshi. The research of premature human embryo development is prerequisite for advancing reproductive and regenerative medicine. This is the reason for joining different Hands-on Embryology training programs by the medical professionals.

Curriculum of a Top Hands-On Embryology Training:

Different trainings can differ on the level of programs but few topics are more common in all the curriculum of those Top Hands-On Embryology Training programs which has been mentioned below-

  1. Understanding How to setup the environment in Lab and necessary equipments
  2. Maintenance of equipments and Quality Control
  3. Seman analysis and sperm processing
  4. Embryo transfer and culture media handling
  5. Oocyte insemination and fertilization check
  6. Embryo loading & Blastocyst culture techniques
  7. Record-keeping & Troubleshooting


Any Life science degree like BSC, MSC or any Medical Degree like MBBS, MD, MS are eligible for enrolling different courses of Embryology.

Hands-On Laparoscopic Surgery Training:

Hands-On Laparoscopic Surgery Training should not be just based on observation but have capability to deliver hands-on experiences to its attendees. Laparoscopy surgery is said to be keyhole surgery because it includes some small incisions in abdomen and pelvis in order to see internal organs of the human body. A laparoscopic surgery has a higher success rate, the reason behind it is that it allows surgeons to make accurate diagnosis of the patients.

Curriculum of a Top Hands-On Laparoscopic Surgery Training:

Different short and long time duration based  Laparoscopic Surgery Training have inconsistent curricula because of the difference in the training purpose of those programs. These surgeries allow the surgeon to diagnose different disorders related to tummy (abdomen) and pelvis/uterus. Here is some most common topics to be covered in every training program:

  1. Overview of Laparoscopy Surgery & Laparoscope
  2. Study of internal organs related to Laparoscopy
  3. Types of Laparoscopy
  4. Necessary Equipments and their maintenance
  5. Different Surgical Techniques
  6. Hysterectomy, Myomectomy, cancer staging surgery
  7. Avoid vessel injury & Trocar site closure
  8. Troubleshooting 


Attendees must have MBBS or equivalent or at least 3 years post-registration experience in General surgery or Gynecology or degree of M.S or M.D.

Top Laparoscopic Training Centres in India:

When it comes to list Top Laparoscopy Training Centers in India, ‘The Medicity’ comes first in all of them. Except that there are also different other organizations and centers who provide training in Laparoscopy. Here are few top Laparoscopy Training Centers in India mentioned below-

The Medicity:

The Medicity is the country's first online training platform based on Gurugram, to assist you to choose the best laparoscopy training in India through the present demand and requirements. The whole Medicity team put their effort in order to deliver you best resources to find top laparoscopic training centers. Just visit the official website of ‘The Medicity’ and search for laparoscopy, there you will find the chosen best laparoscopy training programs.

Sumiran Hospital:

Sumiran Hospital is a leading laparoscopy training center based in Ahmedabad, has a FOGSI certified and recognized Radhe Endoscopy Training Centre & Research Institute providing world level standard techniques of total laparoscopy. Dr. Mehul Sukhadiya is the director of the training center having 20+ years of experience and is also an IVF specialist and Endoscopic Surgeon Consultant. The center offers two types of courses- one is basic laparoscopic surgery training course and other one is Advanced laparoscopic surgery training course.


Institute of Medical and Minimal Access Surgery Training (IMMAST) is one of the best training centers based in Mumbai, providing On-Site and Hybrid training to the attendees. The center offer laparoscopy training for different purposes:

  1. Laparoscopy Training in Gynaecology,
  2. Laparoscopy Training in General Surgery,
  3. Laparoscopy Training in colorectal surgery
  4. Laparoscopic Surgery Training for Hernia
That’s it in this post. Today we have discussed Top Hands on IUI Courses, Top Hands on Embryology Training programs, Different Hands on laparoscopic surgery training, & Few selected Top laparoscopic training centres in india.

If any issue remains, feel free to contact The Medicity Team. For more details, feel free to contact the toll-free number 1800-572-9494 or write a letter at .



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