Clinical Andrology And Embryology Courses in India - The Medicity

Careers in Andrology and Embryology are one of the highest paying professions in India and After the pandemic, The demand of IVF professionals is estimated to grow by 14.7% CAGR every year till 2026, it results an urging demand in various Clinical Andrology and Embryology training and courses for all the clinical frontieres across the country.

Throughout this blog, we'll be going through what is the difference between andrology as well as embryology, and what are some most valuable training and courses “The Medicity” offers as well as also discuss why a medical individual should join these programs through us.

Difference between Andrology & Embryology:

Both the andrology and embryology is a part of infertility treatments in humans but there is a big difference when it comes to acknowledge these terms particularly. Where Andrology is related to male on the other side the embryology is related to females.


The origin of the word “Andro” comes from Ancient Greek which means “Mens” in english. So basically the Andrology is the special study of all the concerns and well being related to Males specially related to reproductive system, sexual dysfunction and urological issues and who are expert in it are known as Andrologists. In-short Andrologists are the same as gynecologists but only for mens.


Same as Andro, The word “Embryo” originated from the Greek word “Ambryon” that means “The Unborn” in english. This hints that embryology is a special study of medical science that includes all about the learning of formation, growth and development of the embryo and fetus in females and the clinical person who is expert in it is called Embryologist. One thing that must be noted is that an embryologist is not exactly a doctor but is a skilled professional.

As a final note for both the terms, basically both are terms that are directly involved in the human reproductive system but specialized for different genders, one is for male i.e Andrology and other is for female i.e. embryology.

Andrology and Embryology Course and Training Programs:

A training program in Andrology And Embryology course is an effective way to master this skill within a limited duration of time with recognized certification. Since both the terms are different but focus on specially in human reproduction system and used to tackle sexual dysfunction, most of the training programs includes both terms and their learning in one single program. Here are some hands-on training programs and courses that are valuable for those who are seeking to gain proficiency in both the specialties.

Hands-on Clinical Andrology and Embryology:

This extensive training course provides all the conceptual knowledge of Andrology and Embryology including various hands-on practice sessions for both beginners and practitioners. If you are a gynecologist then this is an ideal eligibility, but this program also allows those who graduate in biological sciences or life sciences including other medical backgrounds like BHMS and BAMS. This is a 2 days program available on our platform titled “Clinical Andrology and Embryology” in the courses section. For more details just fill the form above to generate an enquiry. This is the reason why this program is one of the Top Hands on Embryology Training programs.

Certification course in Embryology:

A well-crafted one week certification program in embryology that has been developed to acknowledge the extensive explanation of embryology along with the insights of IVF. To get enrolled in program go to search section of the website and find the course as “Certificate course in Embryology” by Dr. Rita Bakshi . All the candidates who belong to the background of any medical related degree like MBBS, MD, MS, BHMS, BAMS or background in life science graduation or post-graduation are eligible for this program But individuals who are gynecologist or IVF nurses are the most ideal aspirent for joining this program.

Why ‘The Medicity’:

There are multiple reasons and benefits to join the medicity for clinical training purposes, the important one of them are mentioned here-

  1. Available courses in both online and offline modes to provide facility to learn from where you are.
  2. Training programs are rich in hands-on session based learning rather than observation based.
  3. You can get a refund or reschedule the courses within a defined time and also can change the training location.
  4. Double certification from both the organizations: The Medicity certificate & Hospital certificate where they are going to be trained.
  5. Placement assistance depends on the course and hospital to get industry exposure and provide connections that help to build a network of professionals.

Bottom Line:

Now we have come to the end of the blog, so let’s summarize what we have discussed? So first we have discussed why andrology and embryology courses and training are in demand and what is the major difference between them. After that we have mentioned some great Top Hands on Embryology Training programs and courses and at last we have also revealed the benefits of doing medical courses from The Medicity Institute.

If you have left with some questions regarding the terms “Andrology” as well as “Embryology”, just connect with our support team through toll-free number 1800-572-9494 or through mail and there is also a best method to get details related to your queries, just fill up the enquiry form mentioned on the top of the article and generate a query on the platform. Our team will connect with you as we receive your query.



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