Find The Best Online & Offline IVF Courses in India

The Medicity is a leading online platform that helps you find best IVF courses in India through both modes: online training and hands-on training. According to a News article, when the Covid-19 pandemic hit the country, the IVF industry had witnessed a 50% decline in the number of couples opting for IVF treatment. But as the pandemic subsided and the market started to open, all the couples who had postponed their pregnancy started visiting the clinics generating a high demand of IVF specialists. 

As such, a number of medical aspirants and already practicing doctors/surgeons wanted to join hands-on IVF training programs which are delivered by the best IVF institute. Let’s take a look at how a candidate can apply for the best IVF courses in India with the help of Medicity Institute Platform. But before that, let’s understand the core differences of the various modes to learn this skill.

Online Training Courses Vs Offline Training Courses:

The key distinction between these courses is their way of learning. Online training courses are best to consume content with the help of pre-recorded videos and simulations, and this is very effective when you don’t want to leave your work but want to learn alongside. These courses are also cost-effective and facilitate the flexibility to learn according to your preference, which means that you can start learning when you have time. Medicity has now started such training courses also through various partnerships with well reputed institutes under Best IVF doctor in India as mentors.

When it comes to practicing live through hands-on training programs, it gives you the opportunity to get hands-on practical exposure and learn directly under top class IVF doctors in the best IVF training center. This not only helps you to learn concepts effectively but also practice them alongside. If you have time then definitely you should join hands-on based training courses according to the Medicity experts. These courses can be either fully hands-on or observation plus hands-on sessions where you learn in real time and can resolve your doubts on the spot with your mentors who are highly experienced and specialized in their individual domains. This leads to competency and excellence within your skills and boosts confidence.

The Medicity Institute started with the same concept to help you find the best hands-on training courses to learn effectively because we, as Medicity believe that a clinical professional can learn effectively only by practice.

Find Hands on IVF Training Courses at The Medicity:

Now the Medicity offers selected top-order IVF courses in India which are delivered by the best IVF institute in the best IVF training center under the best IVF doctor in India. How to find the perfect course suitable for you? You just need to go through a simple process to find some great IVF courses in the country using the platform in just 3 easy steps. 


To Find Hands-on IVF training, visit the Medicity official website and go to the search bar section. Now enter the main keyword “IVF” and once you click on the search button, the platform starts displaying all the listed top-class IVF courses and training programs. Now you will need to filter down according to your needs . Let's assume- “you are a gynecologist and looking for IVF hands-on training in Haryana with a maximum one-week program”.


Go to the filter section of the left side and select the category as “Gynecology”, state as “Haryana” and Duration “Under 15 Days” and search. Here you can see some filtered results. If you still want to shorten your course, then select the “offline” type for hands-on programs. You’ll be able to find 2 to3 best IVF courses in India to join according to your demand.


Once you have selected the course then click on it, go through the description and schedule to know more about the program . Now if you have any query regarding the course program, you can send an inquiry, our executive will contact you and clear you of all the issues. You can also ask for guidance to book the course through their side. Or if you have decided to join, just Click-on the “Book Now” option, select available slots and complete the course fees through the various payment modes .


The demand for IVF specialists is booming right now and if you are a professional in healthcare and want to pursue as IVF Specialist, then such IVF training courses and fellowships can be very useful. Both the Online and Offline courses can be effective for you, depending on the need and situation. If you don't want to interrupt your job but are keen to learn, then online training courses are the best way to learn alongside your job. But if you have time to invest in yourself then undoubtedly go for hands-on training because it gives you knowledge through practicals, with the prime advantage of practical exposure under a highly skilled and experienced mentor. And at the same time, you can easily navigate through the Medicity platform in 3 simple steps. If you are still facing any issues or have any doubts, just fill up the inquiry form at the beginning of the blog or call on our toll-free number 1800-572-9494. Alternatively you can write an email to our official id



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