Laparoscopic Surgery Training Courses in India by The Medicity | Gynecology

Every year, nearly 15 Million Minimally Invasive Surgery procedures (Laparoscopy) are performed across the globe. This generates a number of positions for Laparoscopic surgeons and demands Laparoscopic Surgery Training Courses in India and all over the world. Minimally Invasive surgery uses small cuts in the abdomen to examine the internal organs using a tool known as laparoscope, which reduces the healing time of incisions and are less likely to be infected.

Be aware, when you are joining any of these programs and always focus on hands-on learning.

The Medicity believes when you do by yourself that is the best way to gain knowledge and experience. Here are few most joined training courses on the medicity platform.

Laparoscopic Surgery Training Courses in India:

The Medicity Institute offers multiple training courses in minimally invasive surgery, some of these are very short as 2 days to as long as 15 days. The center of focus is to facilitate only those training courses which have at least a 2:1 ratio of theory and practical. The trainers should be highly qualified and have years of experience in respective specialties.

 Introductory Training in Laparoscopic Surgery:

This beginners friendly training program in Minimally Invasive Surgery focuses on building ground-level knowledge about hysteroscopes and related procedures. The training program is two days long and delivers you the comprehensive knowledge of introduction to endoscopy, laparoscopy anatoly, Electro surgery and managing complications that occur during surgery.

During the course, you’ll get at least 2 hours of first-hand surgery to each and every attendees to ensure the learning of candidates. So if you are a graduate in Gynaecology or have any diploma in Gynae then you can join this course, and start a career in laparoscopic surgery.

Art (IVF) & laparoscopy training courses:

Training courses in ART(IVF) and laparoscopy are delivered in two phases. The first one is basic training which includes understanding of all components of an IVF cycle, and various treatment methods through live classes and video materials with hands-on training to the students whereas Advanced training course focuses on latest and high-end curriculum including briefing of IVF life-cycle, pre-examining the patients, diagnose and test, with ultra modern facility consists ultrasound scans, oocyte recovery and embryo recovery. Recent medical graduates or experienced specialists in IVF are eligible in order to take this course. Just visit The Medicity official website and search the course, select, & join.

Advanced Hands-on training in laparoscopic surgery:

This is an upgraded version of the last course designed for advanced concepts based on world-class standards. During training, every aspirant gets a chance to perform hands-on practical under the supervision of a trainer who has a great experience in Minimal Invasive surgery. The training is ideal for those candidates who are already practicing and aim to upgrade their skills to the expert level.

After completing the program, candidates will be able to perform any laparoscopy surgery independently and gain the ability to select patients who are best fit for Minimally invasive surgery. To pass the eligibility to join this program, candidates must have a post-graduation degree equivalent to MD, MBBS, or MS or in some cases, Diploma in gynaecology is also eligible.

Except for these training programs, there is another laparoscopy fellowship in India also available and can be an option to enroll especially for gynaecologists multiple laparoscopic gynaecology fellowship. Once you have completed these certifications, the confidence of doing laparoscopic surgery will be boosted and the flow of surgery will be more efficient. 

 Bottom Line:

The demand for professionals is increasing day by day in laparoscopy, so demand for laparoscopic training courses is rising as the number of cases increases. The Medicity always suggests joining only those training courses that include hands-on practicals in order to achieve competency in minimally invasive surgery.

The Medicity is a leading online platform to get latest and updated hand-on laparoscopic courses in India . So what are you waiting for, generate an enquiry if you have any, or connect The Medicity team to get a free counselling on 1800-572-9494 or write an email on .



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