Basic & Advanced Course in Obstetric Ultrasound

Before discussing Basic & Advanced Course in Obstetric Ultrasound, You need to know a few terms that create misunderstanding within medical students about what they should go for. So through this blog, you are going to understand Fetal Medicine & Obstetric Ultrasound and how it is different from Normal Ob/Gynae. Also we’ll be looking at some leading ultrasound courses that you consider for skilling up yourself in these fields.

Fetal Medicine Ultrasound:

Perinatology (Fetal Medicine) is a specialized branch of medicine that deals with the management of mother & fetus health before, during and after pregnancy. The fetal medicine ultrasound is used to look inside the mother’s womb and using 3D & 4D ultrasound mechanism, evaluate the development of the fetus over the time. Sometimes it's known as Maternal Fetal Medicine Ultrasound. 

In short, fetal medicine ultrasound is an imaging system which is used to create a picture of the fetus to track its development inside the uterus through sonography.

Obstetric Ultrasound:

Prenatal/Pregnancy Ultrasound is used to create images of the growing fetus or embryo inside the mother's womb. These images also used to take a track record of the health of the uterus, ovaries, and the blood flow of the mother. The primary utilization of the Obstetric Ultrasound is to insure the presence of embryo, fertilization, single or multiple pregnancy, and location of the fetus and placenta etc.

In short, Fetal Medicine & Obstetric Ultrasound both are almost same, just their uses and working models are different. That's why you'll see both the terms together almost everywhere.

Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM) is specialized in high risk pregnancy management whereas Obstetric Ultrasound is used to manage all the complications related to pregnancy and newborn baby.

Basic & Advanced Course in Obstetric Ultrasound

The accuracy of the study and prediction of Ultrasound during pregnancy is escalating day by day, so the demand of Parental Sonographers are also surging in the healthcare industry. Many institutions and organizations offer various Basic & Advanced Course in Obstetric Ultrasound and also many of them are Online Ultrasound Programs.

The Medicity Institute is also offering multiple Courses in Obstetric Ultrasound, in which some of them are Basic Ultrasound courses & some of them are Advanced pregnancy ultrasound courses. The Medicity is also offering Online Ultrasound Programs through its conventional and subscription model.

Early Pregnancy Ultrasound:

Medicity is offering “Early Pregnancy Ultrasound” which is a Basic Ultrasound course of about one Day program very useful for Fetal Medicine & Obstetric specialists. During this short course, you will gain the knowledge of ultrasound physics, its techniques and safety measures. Once you get enrolled in this course, you’ll get to know about the pregnancy complications and how to diagnose it through ultrasound images. Also the course includes hands-on sessions related to Ectopic Pregnancy, and Consultants overview etc.

Online Ultrasound Simulator Training:

Online Ultrasound Simulator Training is one of the most enrolled courses on The Medicity offering simulation based learning which start with basic concepts like principles and quality control of the sonography. After this it moves further pregnancy and infertility related important topics like Fetal Biometry and Anatomy (Normal & Abnormal), Abnormalities of Placenta, and more. This is one of the Online Ultrasound Programs, medicity institute offering which also includes some technical knowledge of ultrasound for better understanding like Overview of Doppler, Imaging of the Placenta, and Different Ultrasonography during Whole Pregnancy.


At the final stage of this blog, let’s summarize everything that we have covered. So, we have started with important terms like Perinatology, Pregnancy Ultrasound, and the difference between these both terms to avoid confusion as Ob/Gynae/Fetal Medicine specialists. Then we have moved to the courses section where we have seen different training courses including advanced & Basic ultrasound course, and Online ultrasound programs, The medicity offers on its platform.

Still left behind with any confusion or issue, just generate inquiry from the above attached form, or alternatively you can call us to our toll free number 1800-572-9494 or write to us at

Notable Updates:

The Medicity has launched its subscription based learning on the platform which you can find on the “Online” section of the courses. Where you have to subscribe with just a little amount monthly or annually, and you’ll get access to different courses and helpful short videos important for your career and work life.


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